Search Results for wyrmspan

How we made Wyrmspan: Designer Connie Vogelmann on creating 2024’s hottest game so far

Stonemaier Games' big reveal of Wyrmspan - a new game "in the world of Wingspan" - last week might have descended like a dragon out of the blue, but it's no surprise Elizabeth Hargrave's hugely lauded 2019 design is getting a spiritual successor. The task of designing "Wingspan with dragons" was given to Apiary creator Connie Vogelmann - but as she explains in this Q&A interview, the new game is far more than just a reskin of its feathery predecessor.

BoardGameWire is one year old today – and we’ve had more than a quarter of a million readers!

I launched BoardGameWire exactly one year and a day ago, on a hunch that the industry had grown so large that there was a market for professionally written, business-focused news and features that just wasn’t being filled by other outlets. Hand on heart, I couldn’t have dreamed of the response. A trickle of readers in those first days and weeks grew to reach more than 278,000 unique users in the last 12 months - that’s about the attendance of four Gen Cons.