Tag designer

Flamecraft designer Manny Vega on quitting his 20-year video games career to make board games his “forever home”

Flamecraft designer Manny Vega has been working in the video game industry for more than 20 years, most recently on Electronic Arts' first person shooter Immortals of Aveum. But a lukewarm response to that release left him in a distressingly familiar situation - unemployed, and facing the prospect of hunting for work in what he describes as a "volatile and toxic" industry. Video gaming's loss is set to be board gaming's gain, however, with Vega turning his focus to tabletop as he looks to make the industry his "forever home". BoardGameWire caught up with Vega to find out his game design and illustration plans - and his work on Flamecraft's successor - for 2024 and beyond.

“The ride here wasn’t without its bumps:” Heat: Pedal to the Metal co-designer Asger Harding Granerud on his journey from board game distributor and retailer to BGG Top 40 designer

Heat: Pedal to the Metal co-designer Asger Harding Granerud has completed a full lap of the board game industry since he began designing games just over a decade ago, having launched a distributor, retail shop and design studio in addition to seeing his motor racing co-design accelerate into the BoardGameGeek Top 40. Granerud sat down with BoardGameWire to discuss his learning curve as a designer and publisher, the challenges of running a three-person indie studio, and how to avoid common pitfalls in bringing your game to market.

Designer Diary: How we made Carolingi

History teacher Sebastian Freudenberg describes his years-long journey to publishing his debut game Carolingi, in which players act as Charlemagne’s grandchildren fighting over his vast realm using a bag-based action selection system to control areas of the map, unite regions, develop their realms, attract followers and gain glory. Carolingi is the first game from Sea Cove Games, the joint publishing company launched last year by Peter Eggert, who created Eggertspiele in 1996, and Spielworxx’s Uli Blennemann.