Quacks of Quedlinburg maker Schmidt Spiele maintains high board game sales levels through flat year-on-year results

German board game publisher Schmidt Spiele reported flat year-on-year sales for its family and children-focused division – albeit at a level it said has been on a high since 2020.

Schmidt is best known in hobby board games for critical and commerical successes Quacks of Quedlinburg and Ganz Schön Clever, winner and nominee respectively for the highly sought after Spiel Des Jahres award.

The company also produces a huge line of children and family-weight games, with recent successes including Café del Gatto, the winner of the Austrian game of the year prize last summer.

Schmidt said its toys and plush division increased sales by more than ten percent in 2023 compared to the previous year, although its puzzles division suffered a “slight decline”.

Company managing director Axel Kaldenhoven said, “The year 2023 was a small year of success for us in the toy and plush sector, which was certainly also supported by our strong licensing business.

“The fact that sales of our children’s and family games have leveled off at a high level also shows us that we are exactly right with the selection and implementation of our products and that we meet the tastes of retailers and customers. A path that we will continue to pursue.”

Schmidt added that the new year had brought a new sales record for hugely popular German game Mensch ärgere Dich nicht, which has now sold 100 million copies – just in time for its 110th anniversary. IT shares DNA with classic board games like Parcheesi, Sorry and Ludo.

New games due for release by Schmidt Spiele this year include the two-player Quacks follow-up Quacks of Quedlinburg – The Duel, which sees players trying to attract customers to their market stalls using potions created through a bag-building mechanic.

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