Tag kickstarter

Marketing on BGG “has been very much hit or miss, especially lately”: Mindclash Games’ CEO on effective marketing, crowdfunding’s rocky patch and the ‘smoke and mirrors’ of stretch goals

Mindclash Games has made a name for itself as a Kickstarter-focused heavy board games expert since the launch of debut title Trickerion on the crowdfunding service in 2015. BoardGameWire spoke to CEO Viktor Peter about the company's changing approach, its recent use of Gamefound rather than Kickstarter, and how some avenues for marketing its games are not proving as lucrative as in the past.

Death threats, doxxing and IP deals: Mythic Games’ co-founder on the fallout from its CMON deal, and where it all went wrong for the company

Mythic Games' fall from being one of the most successful crowdfunding-focused board game publishers of all time to one beset by financial woes has been swift. Company co-founder Leonidas Vesperini spoke to BoardGameWire about the decision behind the CMON deal, the death threats he has received since, and where the future lies for Mythic's two remaining projects.

“Influencer impact was judged to be quite high. I think that tide is receding”: Alderac’s veteran COO on how to master board game crowdfunding

Alderac's veteran COO Ryan Dancey has managed more than 20 crowdfunding campaigns during his long career - and is currently overseeing another Kickstarter success with Wingspan designer Elizabeth Hargrave's latest offering, Undergrove. In this in-depth guide he picks out every aspect of the crowdfunding process designers and publishers need to nail in order to run a successful campaign.